Mid-Week Cooking: Baked or Grilled Teriyaki Chicken


I got this recipe from a friend and it is de-lic-ious! Our Home Community recently made 100+ servings of this chicken to feed some homeless in Omaha, so we all got really good at the recipe. But we didn’t get to eat any, so I made it the next day for Craig and I to enjoy. We baked it for the big meal, and we grilled it for just us. You should definitely try it for yourself! Goes great with some rice and stir-fried vegetables!

Teriyaki Chicken
4 Leg Quarters or equivalent amount of chicken… this time we use a package of thighs.
1/2 cup soy sauce
1 t. ground ginger
2 T. honey (or brown sugar could be used instead)

Baking Directions:
Preheat: 375 degrees
9 x 13 pan, spray the bottom of the pan really well
optional: skin the chicken
Bake them first with the meaty side of the thigh up for 25 min
Flip the chicken over and spoon the sauce over the top and bake for another 25 min (check temp)
After they are baked, take them out and flip the pieces over to get the other side soaking in the sauce a bit
Let them sit for about 10-15 min so they can absorb more of the sauce and flavor

Grilling Directions:
optional: skin the chicken
Marinade chicken in a batch of sauce
Flip chicken over, continue marinating
Mix up a second batch of sauce
Grill the chicken (don’t know a lot of details about grilling, that’s Craig’s job)
Add more sauce to chicken while grilling

So Yummy! Enjoy!

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